AlintiCoin (ALIT), is a green token on the Binance Smart Chain network, backed by its own technology that generates energy through plant photosynthesis.
ALIT finances the production, marketing and research and development of Alinti, which is remunerated with an interest rate to be used for the continuous growth of the currency. It also uses decentralized regenerative finance tools with the aim of accelerating the new era of bio-energy.
Alinti (Star Up) technology has been created for more than 7 years, which has had the collaboration and validation of META, Madrid Polytechnic University, ESAN University, Telefónica, Direct Tv, History Channel, AT&T, among others. Our Hardware has a patent from the World Intellectual Property Organization, ASIPI, INDECOPI and ASONIP.
AlintiCoin seeks to give value to trees by generating energy from their roots (Alinti Jungle), which would prevent indiscriminate felling in the Amazon and in turn create an electric canon for the guardians of the forests.
CEO Founder
Founder Alinticoin
Commercial Manager Alinticoin
CSO Alinticoin
Assistant Manager
CTO Alinticoin
Communicator with experience in Branded Content, Storytelling and Digital Marketing
General Manager of Safary Inversiones Sac and other blockchain projects
Communal reserves are areas protected by the state and have the purpose of conversing and protecting the diversity of flora and fauna for the benefit of local residents and communities in the area. The main objective of the Asháninka Communal Reserve is to guarantee the conservation of biodiversity biological, for the benefit of the native communities neighboring the Ashaninka Communal Reserve. We can preserve and protect together with our Ashaninkas brothers by sending to this address by scanning the QR.